Monday, April 27, 2015

Building a Tree

Building a Tree
Arbor Day was last week and it isn't to late to plant a tree. Or as I like to say take on the project of building a tree. Spring and fall are the best times of the year to plant a tree or any other kind of bush, shrub, or perennial flower. It's best to do it now so that it can get started before the heat of summer comes. That heat can kill a plant or tree quickly without enough water.
 The first photo is of an Althea or Rose of Sharon shrub. I raised this bush or small tree from a seed or should I say I built it. It has taken 12 years to get it from the seed to this size which is about 6 feet tall and lots of blooms. It has been a long project but vey satisfying, especially as the seed came from a like plant in my mom's yard.

These apple tree blossoms were on one of my apple trees last week. I planted or built the fruit trees from some that I bought at a local nursery 10 years ago. They were in 5 gallon pots and were about 3 feet tall with very slender trunks. Now they are about 12 feet tall, covered with blooms and the trunks are about 8 inches across. 2 years ago these trees made their first crop of apples and I was able to make more apple jelly than I'll ever use as well as lots of applesauce, and pies. We ate apples for months. I am hoping to have a good crop again this year. Last year all the fruit from our trees froze during a late frost which happens frequently here in New Mexico.

Many people look at growing a tree as they would raising a child or caring for a pet. They think they have to sweet talk the plant, play music for it, pet it, give it special TLC. For some people this might be the proper approach for growing trees or plants, but not for us builders.

Don't just plant that new tree or shrub. Build it. Many people seem to be afraid of the idea of growing or raising a plant. Working in a nursery I hear so many people complain that they can't raise anything. People make comments saying they don't know why they're buying a tree as it won't grow for them. I say, “Have confidence in yourself.” Build that tree.

The dictionary defines 'grow' as 'start to increase in size, develop, to reach maturity, to expand.' To 'raise' is 'to cause to move upward, to make greater in size, to build.”

To Build! To develop or expand. Maybe we should stop thinking of growing or raising plants but of building plants.

The same people who say they can't raise or grow plants, frequently are builders. These are people who are architects, and engineers, who build homes, offices and bridges. Or they're mechanic who build or repair cars, trucks, lawn mowers, or all kinds of engines. They can be carpenters, who build or make furniture, and they may be electricians who build or develop computers or cell phones. I can grow a tree, but I would be as lost trying to build a computer as builders would be growing a tree.

We as people 'build' lots of thing including trees, shrubs, vegetables and houseplants. So the next time you start to plant that new tree think of it as a building project.

First you excavate a hole and build a proper foundation by adding peat moss and compost to the existing soil. Insert the tree into the hole in the foundation. Add the right ingredients (a baker 'builds' a cake) of lots of water, the required amount of root stimulator and maybe a stake and tire straps if needed. You want the tree to develop at the proper pace. To increase in size. You want to build this tree.

Remember, this isn't one of those quick, one day projects like painting a room, but an expanding, ongoing, never-ending project, like raising a child. Over the years the tree will expand and mature because you will add the required amounts of water, fertilizer, and mulch. You can help the tree by the occasional fixing or removal of a branch that forms wrong or doesn't look good. Your tree will require cleaning and improvement just as your home, your car or computer does.

Next tine you are looking for a new project – give this a try. Build a Tree!

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